
4232 Decker Dr Baytown Tx, 77520
Phone 281-424-2233

One day two individuals named Russell and Melissa found themselves drawn to the idea of opening a Cuban restaurant in a small town called Baytown on the outskirts of Houston. Russell, a talented home cook, had a deep love for Cuban cuisine, while Melissa had a knack for business and a passion for the culinary world. However, there was one significant obstacle standing in their way: they had no financial resources to bring their dream to life.

Undeterred by their lack of funds, Russell and Melissa decided to think outside the box and explore creative solutions. They brainstormed various ideas and came up with a unique concept that would allow them to open a successful Cuban restaurant with minimal expenses.

To save on costs, they scoured local thrift stores, estate sales, and online marketplaces for furniture and kitchen equipment. With some creativity and a little elbow grease, they transformed second-hand finds into charming and functional pieces that fit the Cuban theme. And the dream was born.

The original Cuban

The original Cuban
Ropa Vieja